[ovs-discuss] Question about PORT_MOD work on the kernel part
Bo Hu
2014-10-13 13:44:50 UTC

I am confused by the realization of port mod. I find that these is a
function named *handle_flow_mod* in ofproto/ofproto.c to deal with the
PORT_MOD message. In this funciton, it will call a function named
*My question is after it finished the port mod in userspace, how can kernel
part know? Indeed, I find a function named *port_reconfigured, *but what is
the detailed realization of port configuration in kernel part.

For example, if I want that no flood packets can pass a specific port, what
is the detailed realization in kernel(or datapath) part? I find it really
difficult to catch the point.

Thanks a lot,
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Ben Pfaff
2014-10-13 18:39:46 UTC
Post by Bo Hu
I am confused by the realization of port mod. I find that these is a
function named *handle_flow_mod* in ofproto/ofproto.c to deal with the
PORT_MOD message. In this funciton, it will call a function named
I think that you mean handle_port_mod, not handle_flow_mod.
Post by Bo Hu
*My question is after it finished the port mod in userspace, how can kernel
part know? Indeed, I find a function named *port_reconfigured, *but what is
the detailed realization of port configuration in kernel part.
For example, if I want that no flood packets can pass a specific port, what
is the detailed realization in kernel(or datapath) part? I find it really
difficult to catch the point.
Port-specific processing happens as part of flow translation, in
ofproto-dpif-xlate.c. After port settings change, all existing flows
have to be re-translated to adopt the new settings.

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